Carol Vernallis and 'Experiencing Music Video' (2004)

Carol Vernallis is another influential film theorist who studied the relevance of four particular concepts within the production of most mainstream music videos. His theories all relate to the specifics of how a music video is produced. Narrative Within her work, Vernallis particularly focuses on the influence of narrative within music video production. In 'Experiencing Music Video: Aesthetics and Cultural Context' (2004), she suggests that the music video itself is a visual response to the lyrical content of the song itself. She also states within her explanation of this theory that "the narrative may not always be completed and can be partial with the video, appearing disjointed, disconnected and fragmented" (Kane Sewell, 2015), this occurs due to lacadaisical applications of typical narrative film theory to much shorter promotional musicl video, which could either act to present a continuing story line or motifs throughout the artist's subsequent work, or si...