Full List of Equipment for Shoot 'Parallel' and Contigency.

Below I have listed all of the equipment that I feel that I will need to shoot my music video, including back ups in case the shoot does not go to plan and in case of any issues that may present on the day of the shoot.

Technical Equipment:

  • 1 Canon DSLR camera with a fully charged battery, Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro camera in DSLR mode, fully charged, both filming at the same time, this is so that if one camera should run out of battery, the other camera is simulatneuously fiming the same scene to prevent any loss of footage. 
  • x2 SanDisk 32 gb Ultra SD cards, I will make sure that both SD cards are clear before filming so that I have enough storage for my entire shoot, and ensuring that both of my memory cards are ultra write speed meaning that the chances of the footage not writing on a standard SD card of the footage degrading during the writing process is lessened.
  • x1 tripod to ensure that all of my footage is stable
  • two battery operated film lights to provide extra lighting as outdoor filming can prove to be variable.

Mise-en-scene and Props:
  • makeu-up and make-up brushes
  • black glittery size 10 dress
  • black strappy heeled shoes
  • wine glass
  • wine bottle filled with blackcurrant


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